
๐Ÿ™‚ What do you think aboutย our music? Please leave a comment below! ๐Ÿ™‚


  • Troy Roach says:

    Your video “Change The World” has inspired our theme for this year’s Bahai’i sponsored World Religion Day gathering and we would love to play it during our live online observance on Jan 15, 2023 to spread that message to all who attend. May we have permission to do that please?

    Thank you for all that you do!

  • Doug says:

    Hi, I live near Toronto and just discovered you on YouTube. I told a friend about Change The World. He said he already saw it when he was in Stockholm. Guess you’re changing the world city by city. We’d like to use Change The World for a World Religion Day event in January (as a prelude to the U.N.’s World InterFaith Harmony Week in February). If that’s OK, do we link to this website or the YouTube copy? Thanks

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Hey Doug! Wow, that is fantastic!! We’re honored that our music can be used to serve in such a profound way! Yes, of course, please feel free to use the song and music video! You can link back to our YouTube channel! Thanks so much!!

  • Roland Green says:

    I just received a link to your I Believe video on YouTube from a friend and I was thrilled. It is truly wonderful and inspiring and I know that many youth in our community are going to love it. I will also share it with many African Baha’i youth who have contacted me on Faceook. I compose and record music as a hobby myself but you are both much more talented than I could ever hope to be. Keep those awesome viibes flowing as there are so many suffering throughout the world who would definitely benefit from your positive message!

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Wow!!! What an uplifting message!! Thank you so much for sharing, we are so grateful to hear the music has brought such inspiration!!

  • Sheilah Seaberg says:

    Your music is awesome! Keep up all the positive work. If everyone had the same outlook as you guys do, the world would definitely be a better place!

  • Ronald Sonnier says:

    I’m a 70 year old Chef who teaches adjudicated youth at a facility right out side of New Orleans, La. It is state run through the Office of Juvenile Justice. Today while we at home my principal asked us to investigate websites and report back to her what we found. I found yours and just wanted to say the message and the song is beautiful. We house around 80 male youths and they are in constant turmoil. I have never had that problem in my classroom but it exist on campus to the point where we can’t move more than one dorm at a time to and from school. Your message of Peace and your song Change the World gave me hope that things can change and I am going to let my people know about your website. I wish there was some way to connect you with our students If there is please let me know so I can do more to help.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Hi Ronald! Thanks so much for your comment, and more importantly for your work serving young people who are at risk and need of support and encouragement. So happy to hear you found our music and that you are using it to bring inspiration to the young people in your community! Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to support you!

  • Ramuel says:

    I will also support green campaign

  • Dylan says:

    my school is main street school in irvington n.y.

  • La Puppet says:

    Hey bros! Your music makes me feel like a King Cobra when the sunrises on the great plains. I make my family listen to Paradigm exactly 11 times a week, once for every book of Psalms in the Bolivian gospels. The mountains arenโ€™t nearly as frightening as they once were and little Omar got the bracelet he prayed for. Can you guys play a benefit show in our village? We need to raise enough brapples to get the necessary surgery for Bongoโ€™s goat. Shout outs to the one and only Awu, your vocals make even a rattlesnake tremble with joy and Colby, your rhymes are mediocre in a good way. Please keep up the musicness and bring blue jeans from America to our people! We CAN change the world!
    peace out homiez!
    LaPuppet Jr

  • Damario says:

    I just wanted to say I just discovered both of your music, and I am in love! Your music is literally everything I always needed in my music collection. I want to do my part in whatever small way I can do bring more peace and harmony to the world, and your music embodies these sentiments exactly. So much positivity and uplift. I hope you guys will never stop doing what you do and I will always be a fan! I wish you both all the love and happiness in the world. ~

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Wow… just WOW! This is why we make music! So happy to fill that void in your music library :). We will never stop, thanks to the encouragement of people like you!! Thanks for reaching out and sharing :).

  • Linda says:

    Thank you so much for the message that you put in the song I needed so much for a young group of kids to sing a rap song at a youth conference. I will only use some of the words. Thank you so much and keep the good work up and continue to let God use you, it is so needed.

  • Bill Meek says:

    Hello Colby, So pleased to meet you yesterday at the Mesa Youth Peace Building Summit. Love your enthusiasm & your message for young people – as you mentioned they are the ones with the ability, vitality and determination that can make for positive change. They always have been. Anyway, as promised, I am including a link or two to Up With People here that explain what the group is all about. I’m certain would will feel a wonderful connection to their music, much as I did with yours. I’ve already shared your music with different people & alumni associated with UWP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwFVEb1l3cc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgTYXTi8O44&t=18s and a page that links to the lyrics of selected songs from the UWP catalog – https://upwithpeople.org/discover/our-music/lyrics/ Thanks again for your positive input. PEACE!

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Thank you so much Bill!!! Looking forward to browsing through and getting inspired! And definitely open to any musical collaborations to bring about a more peaceful, just, united world! May the Almighty guide the way :).

  • Tobias R. says:

    I really like the beat of this song man! It’s really great! You guys are really good at making songs! I have a friend at ISM who is actually in Strings. He can’t wait to play alongside you guys!

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Yo bro!! Thanks for the support! We hope your friend enjoyed stringing out with us at the concert last week! We most certainly had a blast!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Omar says:

    Hey Guys
    Honestly I am always so touched by your music whenever I listen to you. The words are what brings it alive the most and allows people including myself to better understand our world and the challenges that it brings.
    Your song “change the world” really has a positive impact and is a great song to listen to.
    This song is amazing and I hope to meet you guys again in my school; International School Manila.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Omar!! Dude, thanks so much for sharing such a thoughtful comment! It really inspires us when we hear feedback from those who have listened to our music. We’re so grateful that it is having a positive influence, and we’re honored to have met you and have come to ISM. It’s been a wonderful experience!

  • Omar says:

    Hi Colby and Awu
    I in fact just met you guys this morning outisde my strings music class. It was great meeting you guys and I can’t wait to hear your song later.
    During our Grade 8 Advocating for change summit last year we listened to your song and it was amazing and really touching. It allowed me to understand more about our world and made me become an even better person.
    You guys are great.

  • nao says:

    I heard that you are coming to ISM (international school manila) and my teacher said that some group of quire are singing with you………..and I’m in the quire!
    I am really exited!

  • nao says:

    your song is the best! and it is a good song because it is not a negative rap or the song and I like the words!

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Thanks so much for your positive feedback!! We are really happy that you enjoy the words ๐Ÿ™‚

  • nao says:

    I like the rap and the song gose reight and the song is great!

  • Lallykanna says:

    Dear friends !
    God is so great to give you this talents, that too you are generously sharing God given gift others. it is wonderful. I do use these for different ministry in my working field. may God touch their hearts and change their life while they listen to your magnificent music with meaningful lyrics. God bless you and your ministry.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Wow, what a wonderful message!! Thanks so much for sharing :). We are so happy that the music is having a positive effect! God bless you for all that you are doing to serve humankind :).

  • Franklin says:

    I just listened to your music and I must confess, it’s the best world cup song ever. It’s first class song. Are you Cameroonians? If so then you just changed my opinion about my country and what it’s capable of. I love you song, just keep on with inspiring messages in all your songs

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Hey Franklin! Yes, we are an international duo! Awu is from Bamenda, Cameroon and Colby is from Phoenix, Arizona in the United States! Glad you are inspired by the music!

  • Eric Hamlin says:

    Hey guys,

    I am a teacher at International School Manila, and each year our 8th grade class has a quarter-long project called Advocating for Change. It is about bringing global change to a variety of student-chosen issues.

    Your “Change the World” song has become our theme song for this year, and I was wondering if you visit schools as part of what you do.

    We are a large international school in Manila and would have the ability to pay for your appearance, though I can’t give all the details right now. We would like you to sing and speak at our Kick-Off to our AFC day, which is on June 2. There may be some other ideas for what you could do with your time in Manila and at our school, or you may have some ideas of your own.

    I realize this is short notice, but I just came across your song this weekend and learned about you guys and the great things you promote. Your message is perfect for this large-scale project that we run, which is the reason for my contact.

    Thank you,

    Eric Hamlin
    Grade 8 Social Studies
    International School Manila

  • Diana L. says:

    I really love YOUR up-LIFTing songs …would love to connect. I write music and promote UNITY. Would like to find a way to co-create …Please look up my web-site:

    Hope you will come to Vancouver Island, BC; Canada …
    I will find you venues to play.

  • David Dindy says:

    The BEST Bahai music ever

  • Fairouz says:

    very beatiful songs & videos ๐Ÿ™‚ mixing the teachings music ๐Ÿ™‚
    I just love them, good work
    I share the song ” change the world “on my FB

  • Val says:

    The world needs more of this! Much more! Music has the power to make much change and you two are clearly on the path of helping that happen. Much Love!

  • rene junior says:

    guyz,when i listen to this peice of great work again and again,men i almost shared tears and all i can say is kudos bros

  • Kate says:

    such a huge fan of your music! i first heard one of your songs in Vanuatu and spent 4 months tracking it down, and i have finally found it! your music brings back so many great memories. thank you so much!!
    a little bit of feedback – i love awu’s singing!! need more of that!!

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Wow Kate, that is so inspiring!! So happy to hear that you have enjoyed our music and have successfully tracked it down! ๐Ÿ™‚ Will do our best to make sure Awu’s voice continues inspiring!

  • njwung asapngu says:

    u guyz are amawing. need more tracks from u in the future

  • Jay Harris says:

    My name is Jay & yall music is really good it would be cool if yall make lots of more music. I also make music too but in Germany & I will share your music in Germany. w

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Thanks for your support Jay!! So cool to hear we have listeners in the great land of Germany! ๐Ÿ™‚ We are working on creating some more songs and videos, should have some out by the beginning of next year, stay tuned!!

  • timene says:

    Hello we love your music and we jus created a website http://www.bamendaonline.biz to advertise products fron this regions of ours NW thanks.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      That’s fantastic Timene! Glad you like the music, and great job on helping progress the amazing NW region of Cameroon!!

  • temajung michael says:

    One of the best music I’ve heard in ages. Keep up and may God bless and inspire you to do more

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Wow, thank you Temajung! We are very happy to hear that you are enjoying the music! We are definitely working on some more tracks to provide everyone with more uplifting music :).

  • Binouu says:


  • Monica Jeffers says:

    Your music is inspiring and a breath of fresh air in this world. With your positive songs, it gives us all hope that we CAN change the world! Thank you Colby and Awu!

  • Geraldine says:

    A friend’s Mom had us watching the video of this song over and over again so we had it on our hearts. It was just awesome, and as far as we all could see, it even beat the opening song for this year’s World Cup. The Coca Cola Company should hear stuff like this…it is original. 2 thumbs up to you both, and all the best as you move on.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Thanks for the positive feedback Geraldine!! We’re happy to hear you inspired the video for “If a Can, Can”, and we too hope it will get more recognition across the world! ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Jilly Jeffers says:

    Awesome music Colby & Awu! We listened to several songs at our Jeffers’ Thanksgiving get-together in Cali, really a great vibe, uplifting in every way. How do I purchase copies thru your website? I didn’t have cash on me at the gathering so wasn’t able to get copies from your Daddo Ricardo lol. Anyroad, I’d love to buy 6 copies for gifts during the holidays, yippee! Let me know.
    I can, You can, We can, yessir! Jillybean for Peace~xo

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Glad you enjoyed the vibe! As of now, we only have the digital MP3 version of the album available online, but we are working on getting the physical CD up for sale on our website for the near future (hopefully in time for the holidays). Check back in soon! Peace!

  • Susan says:

    I would really like to show your “We Can Change the World” video in my church. The youth are leading the worship service with the theme of “Peace”. May I share this wonderful video?

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Hi Susan – that would be fantastic! Of course you can show the video :). In fact, if you’re able to take a picture or video of the music video being screened in your church and share it with us, that would absolutely make our day!! We’ll say prayers that your youth worship service for peace inspires many hearts to make a positive change :).

  • Lorena Gabriela says:

    I LOVE the lyrics and the beats. It is very nice to hear both wonderful voices come together with powerful and meaningful messages. I really do hope we get to hear more albums like one this in the near future. AMAZING talent.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Thanks Lorena!! We appreciate your kind words and support! :). We agree, more positive music to help uplift the world is definitely needed!

  • Angela says:

    Wonderful music gentlemen. I will be very happy to share your uplifting messages with my teenage sons. They like this genre of music but I don’t approve of the messages in pop hip-hop so they are a bit restricted. This is a win/win for our family.

    • Colby and Awu says:

      Angela – that is awesome! One of the main reasons we make our music is to provide a positive alternative to what is currently promoted in mainstream music. And we really want to reach the youth! So we are very inspired to know that you’ll be sharing the music with your sons, please have them share their feedback!

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