How to Change the World
“I can, you can, we can change the world.” Those are the simple, yet profound words that Colby and Awu hope to share with the rest of humanity. It means that each one of us can do a small part to help make the world a better place, and when these small acts are combined across the world, WE can really make a huge difference. Changing the world is not the responsibility of one person, or even one country. It is an obligation that every single human being on the planet has towards the rest of humanity.
So how do Colby and Awu use their talents to change the world? Well of course, music is one channel they use. Irish musician Bono states that “Music can change the world because it can change people.” And that’s exactly the goal of the songs Colby and Awu create: to change people’s hearts, more specifically to make them feel uplifted and inspire them to do something positive to make the world a better place. Whether it’s changing your “paradigm” of the world, going “green” to help the environment, “believing” in the oneness of all people, or having a “don’t quit” attitude, each song on their new album “Change the World” highlights some way that the listener can improve the state of the world.
In addition to music, Colby and Awu also try to do their parts in their local communities. They both share a passion for educating and empowering young people to become positive changemakers, realizing that they are the future of our world.
In Bamenda, Awu spends a lot of his time working with The Greens, a nonprofit organization focused on environmental education. He often participates in their Beautiful Clean Green Schools program, working with children and youth to plant and care for sustainable plants and vegetation on their school grounds. He also assists with their Green Hope program which aims to light hope in the lives of the disabled, orphans and vulnerable children in the domains of environmentalism, education, and peace.
In Phoenix, Colby focuses his energy on improving and expanding the Junior Youth Spiritual Empowerment Program, a program sponsored by the Baha’i Faith, which aims to help young people of all backgrounds realize their “two-fold moral purpose” – transforming themselves and transforming their communities. Colby has a junior youth group of his own, and also accompanies other youth in his area with their groups. The program uses a combination of prayer, reading, discussion, arts, sports, and service projects to help the junior youth sharpen their spiritual perception, enhance their power of expression, and contribute to the well-being of their communities.
Through their music, Colby and Awu have also been privileged to connect with so many other amazing changemakers in the world who are using their efforts, day-by-day, to make a difference. Check out our friend Amy and her students in Saudi Arabia getting down to Change the World in the classroom!
How do YOU want to change the world? Let us know by sharing a picture, video, or by leaving a comment below!
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Thank you, again, again for this source!
of course!! Hope it was helpful!
Great job, Colby and Awu!
We decide, that we will make your song to our “Junior-Youth-Camp-Song of 2017” in our area (Northwest-Germany) with 100 participants who like to change the world and are willing to work on it!
To get an idea about the camp:
I hope, that we can send you our video after the camp
Wow, this is fantastic news!!! Yes, please please please send us to the video of the camp! We’re honored that our song can assist in such a noble effort!